Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Less is so much more...

Sitting down to do a few odds and ends tonight.  Balance the check book, puff on a cigar and do a little spring cleaning on the blog.  I hope you all enjoy the new layout.  Trying to get it as zen as possible.  Had an incredible night with friends as we watched an old classic thriller. Arachnophobia.  Jeff Bridges at his finest, running from that monster spider trying to take over his little town. Listening to latest shenanigans from Radiohead, it dawns on me lately how much better life is this last year as I've reeled in a few loose ends. 
  • Less foolishness with our money leads to way less stress
  • Less time fooling around on distracting message boards leads to more time reading constructive blogs
  • Less time stuck in my head leads to more time attentive to my awesome wife and dog
  • Less terrible food has led to a leaner, lighter and happier me
  • Less grasping at enlightenment leads to more time feeling fulfilled in this incredible human experience
When I look at the results of chopping out all the excess it makes me smile. I think this is why monks and preists take on monastic life. If you have fewer possessions there is nothing to cling to! I'm finally enrolled in school and working (slow but steady) toward a degree in a very rewarding field. I'm thrilled to clock in at the hospital and help my patients...even the grumpy ones.

But the most important achievement has been just letting go a little more each day.  Sure there have been some days where my old uptight and neurotic self has returned, but for the most part I am living life in a much more humbled and content fashion.  The biggest take away has been that if you set lower expectations that can actually be met you don't have to deal with the nagging resentment of having outrageous expectations that never get met!

Expecting lavish and romantic dinners is replaced with simple chats over coffee and tea.  Looking forward to that glutinous vacation is replaced by being satisfied with that quick flight home to see loved ones.  The people who matter and teach us the most...and for all those family and friends I am so grateful.  I'm heading home this weekend to see my grandma who has deteriorated quite a bit mentally, but knowing she is in good spirits and well taken care of by supportive family members makes me happy. All in all everything is as it should be...and it always will be. Cuz it is what it is...


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Make that body happy...

I wanted to post something positive today so I thought I would post a recipe for the morning smoothie that has been a staple in my weigh loss journey. I just made it to the 50 pound mark this week and this is how I start every day.

Try this...

~3-4 servings fruit

I use frozen mixed berries, some cherries and strawberries. Then I add a large banana and a can of dole pineapple chunks with juice.

~ A little yogurt

This past week I used 4 oz cups of Greek yogurt b/c they were on sale. But soy yogurt is great if you are vegan. Any low fat option will do.

~1/2 a cup milk

2% or skim will do fine, but I've been using soy and almond milk lately. You could use juice too if you were feeling tropical!

~ A handful of spinach, chard or any green leafy stuff.

You can omit this ingredient if you want, but a little agave or maple syrup will cover the taste of the greens and this way you can start your day with a serving of leafy veggies in addition to your massive amount of fruit. Your immune system with thank me!

Try a piece of whole grain bread or an english muffin with a little bit of flax seed oil to round out this super quick breakfast.

You can take this to the meditation cushion, the yoga mat or in the the car with you if you are running late. There is no excuse to miss out on a great breakfast. Everyone has time!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Life is but a dream...

Its been a daily struggle to slow down lately.  I found myself zipping into a Starbucks this morning nearly knocking over a good friend of mine.  What's worse, I didn't even realize it was him and walked off only to be embarrassed a few second later as he stood laughing at me waiting for a greeting.  Spaced out and detached, some days my ego doesn't even let me hang out with the rest of the human race. I'm missing out on a lot...plants, animals and all the rest of the great stuff in our universe are totally out of the question when my focus is a just sliver of presence spent meandering back in forth in my head between the past and future. It bugs me a lot, but beating myself up only makes it worse.  The zen masters say you have to "watch the thinker" or step back and examine the ego playing its games.  Somehow it always slides in through the back gate and starts commenting on the scene again.  I can't escape! But knowing is half the battle right?
